Hanoi to Halong bay
Below is frequent questions we receive from our distinguished guests about Hanoi to Halong bay , Within this article We will show you all information about this
How to get to Halong bay from Hanoi ?
Hanoi to Halong bay by local bus , Hanoi to Halong bay by train , Hanoi to Halong bay by shuttle tourist bus , Hanoi to Halong by by plane , Hanoi to Halong bay by private car
Hanoi to Halong bay train ?
Yes - you can take a train from Hanoi to Halong bay at Yen Vien train station (12 km from Hanoi old quarter)
Hanoi to Halong by train :
Train number : R157
Start : 04h46 am at Yen Vien train station - Arrive : 11h58 at Halong train station
Halong bay to Hanoi by train :
Train number : R158
Start : 13h40 at Halong train station - Arrive : 21h40 at Yen Vien station
Hanoi to Halong bay bus ?
You can choose to take local bus or tourist shuttle bus Hanoi to Halong bay
Local bus Hanoi to Halong bay : Nearest bus station to Halong bay from Hanoi old quarter is Luong Yen bus station (4 km from Hanoi old quarter) you can easy take taxi or motobike from your hotel to here with around 50.000 VND,Bus run every hour from 05h00 am till 22h00 , bus rate around 12 USD/Way
Tourist shuttle bus Hanoi to Halong bay : Departure every morning at Hanoi old quarter at 08h00,Hotel pick up is offer,with around 10 USD/way you can reach to Halong bay after 3,5 hours later - Contact us for detail
Hanoi to Halong bay day trip ?
Yes - We organize daily tour to Halong bay for backpackers or luxury private day trip for upper , You can choose to visit Halong bay for 4 hours on bay or 6 hours on bay,There are few routes to choose to visit Halong bay within a day ,Rate for Halong bay day tour from 25 USD to 100 USD depends,contact us for more detail
Hanoi to Halong bay tour ?
Just a quick sightseeing at Halong bay for a day or spend more to relax at World Heritage for a week,from budget to luxury - We offer Halong bay tour packages on your request,Contact us today to get the best offer and itinerary
Hanoi airport to Halong bay ?
There are NO shuttle bus from Hanoi airport to Halong bay but you can easy to rent a car from us to get there after 3,5 hours , Just contact us with your flight information, your name - Our profesional team with get back to you soonest and supply excellent services to you
Hanoi to Halong bay distance ?
It is around 160 km from Hanoi old quarter to Halong bay
The best way to get to Halong bay from Hanoi ?
Renting a car from Hanoi to Halong bay is the best way to get here, You can easy choose vehicle type, pick up at your hotel , stop a while for coffee on the way, stop on the way to take Vietnam rural area pictures, It is fast and save cost
How long does it take from Hanoi to Halong bay ?
It takes 3,5 hours by private transfer Hanoi to Halong bay ,takes 4 hours by shuttle bus , 4,5 hours for local bus from Hanoi to Halong bay , It takes 8 hours by train and 30 minutes for planes
Tags : Hanoi to Halong bay , How to get Hanoi to halong bay , Car rent Hanoi to Halong bay, shuttle bus Hanoi Halong bay