Hanoi Sleeper Bus to Lao

Hanoi Sleeper Bus to Vientiane Lao :

Bus Route : Hanoi - Ninh Binh - Vinh - Cau Treo immigration gate - Vientiane Laos

Departure place : Hanoi Old quarter or Nuoc Ngam bus station

Stop station : Vientiane Southern bus station

Bus type : VIP sleeper bus (40 berth)

Departure time : 18h30 (day 1) at Nuoc Ngam bus station (Daily free pick up at your hotel (Hanoi old quarter area - 17h00 -> 17h30)

Arrival : 16h00 -> 17h00 (day 2)

Bus ticket rate : 28 USD

Contact to book : +84.911.895.016 (Whatsapp,Viber,Sms,Call) or kkvtravel@gmail.com

Hanoi Sleeper bus to Luangphrabang Lao :

Bus route : Hanoi - Ninh Binh - Thanh Hoa - Nghe An - Nam Can immigration gate - Luangphrabang Laos

Departure place : Hanoi old quarter or Nuoc Ngam bus station

Arrival station at Laos : Luangphrabang Northern bus station - Banaluang

Bus type : VIP sleeper bus (40 berth)

Depature time : 18h30 (day 1) at Nuoc Ngam bus station (Free pick up at hotels in Hanoi old quarter at 17h00 to 17h30)

Arrival time : 20h00 - 20h30 (day 2)

Bus tickets rate : 55 USD

Contact to book : +84.911.895.016 (Whatsapp,Viber,Sms,Call) or kkvtravel@gmail.com